Chat GPT and MJ Conversation: Animal English Proverbs and English Expressions, Risk of Flooding, Korean Height, Chat GPT Creative Short Story (Simple Version, Difficult Version)

Chat GPT and MJ Conversation: Animal English Proverbs and English Expressions, Risk of Flooding, Korean Height, Chat GPT Creative Short Story (Simple Version, Difficult Version)

Chat GPT and MJ Conversation: Animal English Proverbs and English Expressions, Risk of Flooding, Korean Height, Chat GPT Creative Short Story (Simple Version, Difficult Version)

MJ: Find a proverb?AI: I’ll introduce several words about dolphins.” swim with dolphins and enjoy a pleasant time.””The dolphins in the network is a difficult situation and situation.” dolphins safety” is manufactured or harvesting or other marine mammals.”Making a dolphin.” – It’s a happy and brightness, I’m going to create myself.” – This is a symbol of the creation of themselves.

MJ: Find a proverb?AI: I’ll introduce several words about dolphins.” swim with dolphins and enjoy a pleasant time.””The dolphins in the network is a difficult situation and situation.” dolphins safety” is manufactured or harvesting or other marine mammals.”Making a dolphin.” – It’s a happy and brightness, I’m going to create myself.” – This is a symbol of the creation of themselves.

MJ: Please tell me how to say the Lion and useful expressions on the Lion?AI: Yes, this expression of the Lion and convenience is the maximum part or shared.Typically, one or groups are used when one or groups are in the large part of the resources.”The Lion wearing sheep’s clothes.”This expression is calm and innocent, but it means that means dangerous people.The expression of “The jungle” means that means the most powerful and group.This expression is to fight with a great power and courage.”I feel like the Lion in the cage.” – This expression means that the freedom or being locked in the situation where you restrictions are locked or lockedThis expression of Lion’s heart, courage and the courage is courage and strongThe expression of the Lion, the “The Lion” means that you can completely release the Lion and can completely release.The expression of “I’m bold” means that the Lion, and challenge is confident that they face the danger and challenge.The expression of “I can eat living in the Lion, and defeat in cruel way.

MJ: What is the traffic?AI: I’ll introduce several useful expressions on the tiger.”The tiger doesn’t change the stripe pattern.” – You can use of one basic nature and characteristics are used to show them.”The tiger” is a strong desire to see that the ability to see the ability to say that he is not weak or effectively in the other fields of the poor mother and the other hand”The tiger’s eyes are very hard to his goal, and concentrated people who expressed their own goals.The “The tiger” is used to express the energy and enthusiasm.These are only one example, and expressions on various cultures in various cultures in various cultures.

The proverb says “The tiger” means of energy and passionate people.The word of the tank is an advertising slogan used by oil company Essentials (the current Extreme Edition) is an advertisement slogan in the 1960s.I used to use the fact that the car, and energy to give us energy as a tiger.As a time, this phrase was to be prepared to be able to face the people who are ready to fight against any challenges.It means that the power and force is strong.Therefore, the people say that the tank is a tiger, and passionate and passionate, and passionate and passionate.MJ: Trunk is good in East, why is it seems bad. Why is it?AI: The recognition of evil and evil is different from cultural and historical factors.In many East cultures, the tiger is considered as a symbol of courage.In several countries in East Asia, Trunk is considered as a symbol of traditional art, literature, literature, literature, literature, literature, literature, literature, literature, literature and folk.These cultures often related to these cultures, and protectors are often considered a protection person or protection.Meanwhile, traffic often illustrates the traffic is often drawn as threat animals.This is one of the cause of the cause of fear and exoticities and exotic.Furthermore, Western culture is considered a threatened animal, so that the animal is not to be used to protect human safety and order.The recognition for traffic, there are different factors that are different in various cultures, and education, and education, and education, and education, and education, and education, and education, and education, and education, and education, and.

Please tell me the useful expression and saying that you are useful expressions and saying.Of course, we introduce some common expressions and say that monkeys are the monkeys:This means that anyone tries to copy or imitate others’ behavior.The monkey barrel: This expression is fun or fun.Giga: This expression is very excited, and upset, and upset, and upset.Monitors: This expression means that anyone is wrong and irresponsible.Slow monkey wrench: This expression indicates that the process or complexity to disrupt the process or complexity.There are monkeys in my back:This expression means that expression is difficult to overcome.hang down to the tail of monkeys:This expression means that is unstable or dangerous situation.make a monkey:This expression means that you can fool or fool.Don’t joke:This expression means that you can waste time and stupid behavior.We hope and say these expressions and proverb is useful!MJ: Is there possible to be submerged?AI: Taiwan is a country where Taiwan is located in the west Pacific, earthquake, earthquake, earthquake, earthquake, earthquake, earthquake, earthquake, earthquake, earthquake, earthquake, earthquake.The island is especially in the typhoon season, but the island is low, but the island can be submerged in the sea level.However, the climate change is expected to increase the sea level of the world’s coast and low levels of Taiwan’s coastal areas and low levels.Taiwan is taking measures to deal with measures to cope with environmental impact on climate change, including investment and coastal protection measures.MJ: How do you have a cypress?Sai bread is an island of the northern Mariaina Islands in the Pacific.This island is located in active areas and earthquakes, earthquake, earthquake, earthquake, earthquake, earthquake, earthquake, earthquake, earthquake, earthquake, earthquake, earthquake, earthquake.There are no direct threat to the island, but the sea level rise is possible to increase the risk of flooding and erosion risk of erosion.North Maria Nada Islands government plans to support climate change the climate change adaptation plan and improve the coastal infrastructure, including improvement of climate change.MJ: Where is the most vulnerable countries and area, where are the most vulnerable country?AI: Many small islands in the world and lowlands in the world is easily submerged by climate change.As the most vulnerable countries, the Pacific Morm, TYPE Morm, TYPE Morm, TYPE BALY, TYPE B.There are also a Indian Ocean and Pacific Bangladesh, and the Pacific Ocean.These countries and regions have already experienced the impact of water levels, and property loss of water levels, including land and property loss of property.MJ: If the world’s food crisis, can’t survive?Is the fat man?AI: It is difficult to make clear statement about survival of people and fat people who are thin.In general, many people have a lot of fat, people have a lot of fat, so many people have the benefits of survival.However, there are many factors that can affect survival, social and genetic health and genetic health and genetic health and genetic health and genetic health.Also, the world food crisis must be careful, and the impact of the impact of the impact of the influence of different population and personalities.MJ: Some benefits of new people in the food crisis?AI: If the world food crisis, the slow people can have a little advantage of the survival rate.The metabolism is slow to functionality, and more calories you need to increase limited food resources.However, the survival of these circumstances, and water should be considered to consider the situation, and water, and water, and water to adapt to the situation.Therefore, it may be slightly advantage of the new metabolism may be slightly advantage of the food crisis.MJ: Some benefits of new people in the food crisis?AI: If the world food crisis, the slow people can have a little advantage of the survival rate.The metabolism is slow to functionality, and more calories you need to increase limited food resources.However, the survival of these circumstances, and water should be considered to consider the situation, and water, and water, and water to adapt to the situation.Therefore, it may be slightly advantage of the new metabolism may be slightly advantage of the food crisis.MJ: Please tell me the most high country’s top 10 in the world.The following is the most high country’s top 10 in the world, 18 cm. – 18 cm. – 18 cm (1 cm). – 18 cm (24.11 cm). – 18.4 cm (12.16 feet),There are a wide range of people in countries must be careful.MJ: How about Korea?AI: According to 2020 World Health Organization (WHO) data, the average height of adult males in South Korea is about 172.0 cm (5 feet 7.7 inches), while that of adult females is about 159.9 cm (5 feet 2.9 inches). Because of these heights, South Korea ranks around 70th in the world for men’s height and 85th in the world for women’s height.MJ: How long did you mean?Please tell me the tendency of human height in the history of human history?AI: primitive people are difficult to estimate because of primitive people are only limited evidence.However, human beings were short than now, human beings are now than now.In prehistoric times, human height was usually less than five feet (12) in prehistoric times.The agricultural is developed and gradually increased to one place, and gradually increased the possibility of food, and gradually increased nutrition improvement and height.The industrial revolution has increased access to food, so that the health was improved and improved health.According to the World Health Organization (W WHO) data, the average height of about five feet of adults, about five feet of adults.The height must be careful of different factors such as genetic, nutrition, nutrition, nutrition, and environmental and environmental environment.MJ: How long did you mean?Please tell me the tendency of human height in the history of human history?AI: primitive people are difficult to estimate because of primitive people are only limited evidence.However, human beings were short than now, human beings are now than now.In prehistoric times, human height was usually less than five feet (12) in prehistoric times.The agricultural is developed and gradually increased to one place, and gradually increased the possibility of food, and gradually increased nutrition improvement and height.The industrial revolution has increased access to food, so that the health was improved and improved health.According to the World Health Organization (W WHO) data, the average height of about five feet of adults, about five feet of adults.The height must be careful of different factors such as genetic, nutrition, nutrition, nutrition, and environmental and environmental environment.MJ: Create 150 word story.1. boys and girls and girls.2. The boy likes girls, but girls like a girl.3. Everyone is a writer.4. Communication and text only.5. There are both heroes or rashes or two people.There are many times.AI: The world where creativity was a young writer and girls living.The boy was always longing for girls, but soon as she will be love.But girls were more interested in wisdom and surprising sentences known as wisdom.The boy had the best work to grasp the best work, but the girl always had more interested in the words.The boy began to envy him and began to make a conspiracy and began to attempt to make a conspiracy.One day, boy sent a false message to girls and invited a big misunderstanding.The girlfriend and stopped communication with him.But the wise man was really wise, so he found a boy’s fraud.He gave a lesson to write a story of honest man, and he gave lessons to teach the important sense of importance.Finally, the boy learned lessons and wise men and apologized to the wise man.They were very good friends and collaboration, thanks to collaboration.